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Beautiful Celebrity Video's

Before & after their visits with make-up artists!






These are just a few examples to shed some light on the reality of people. Make-up artists are paid high dollars to transform a very plain and average face into a thing of beauty and almost fake looking at times. Just a note from me to you... making you aware of the fact that every person on earth has bad hair days and feels like they are less than the girl next door...yes even these celebrity beauties. Without their magical make-up artist...they would not have this opportunity to be transformed.









..Donation`s are appreciated..

Yes.. there is now a donation button in several spots around the selfesteem forum and the website.

This was not my idea...it actually came from a few of the self-esteem members as they understand the amount of time and monies that it takes to bring all of the information and self-esteem support to these pages for all of you.

The donation is set at its minimum of $1.00.
So ...do feel free to support womensselfesteem.com so that we can continue to support you!
Thank you so much in advance!

$1.00 is all it takes!




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