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How do you react when you are dumped in a relationship?

Jealousy Polls for Women and Men

Research for Jealousy information


Take these Jealousy Polls!



The information from these Jealousy Polls will be used to help thousands of women all around the world.

Your help is needed!

Please continue with the polls below. (No personal information will be collected)

Date Latest Polls Votes
14-May-09 How do you react when you are dumped in a relationship? 64 votes
23-Mar-06 Jealousy Poll 8 314 votes
23-Mar-06 Jealousy Poll 7 89 votes
23-Mar-06 Jealousy Poll 6 82 votes
23-Mar-06 Jealousy Poll 5 78 votes
23-Mar-06 Jealousy Poll 4 84 votes
23-Mar-06 Jealousy Poll 3 84 votes
23-Mar-06 Jealousy Poll 2 83 votes
23-Mar-06 Jealousy Poll 1 86 votes



..Donation`s are appreciated..

Yes.. there is now a donation button in several spots around the selfesteem forum and the website.

This was not my idea...it actually came from a few of the self-esteem members as they understand the amount of time and monies that it takes to bring all of the information and self-esteem support to these pages for all of you.

The donation is set at its minimum of $1.00.
So ...do feel free to support womensselfesteem.com so that we can continue to support you!
Thank you so much in advance!

$1.00 is all it takes!




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