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Unscrambled Eggs Book Review

Book Reviews By WomensSelfesteem.com

Nadia Brown

About the Author 
Nadia Brown has written a very thought provoking book of poetry, one that will truly challenge the mind and its ability to comprehend a much deeper venue of thoughts. These thoughts are what Nadia brings to her readers through her book, Unscrambled eggs. Nadia Brown resides with her family in Miami, Florida.
Through Nadia Browns poetry, she reveals her true spiritual insights. She shares experiences of her past and portrays them through exceptional writing skills. Her writing style is unique and refreshing.


Womensselfesteem.com's review:
Unscrambles Eggs is a definite must to read for anyone that desires a challenge of the mind. One of my personnel favorites is the poem titled, 'Perfect'. I myself am somewhat of a perfectionist, and felt as if Nadia was describing me through her writings. I do not doubt that most of her readers have experienced a similar feeling when reading Unscrambled Eggs.

Thank you Nadia brown for introducing my mind to your unique words of life!



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 Author Interview with Nadia Brown



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