dedicates research, effective up to date information in strengthening Womens self-esteem, Self-Confidence & Self-worth! Also please take the challenge and try our test.. "THE" Self-esteem Test. Chat with women from around the globe in the Forum, We also offer a Self-esteem Toolbar, Self-esteem tips, Screensaver, Book Reviews, Quotes, information on Self-esteem, Jealousy and Relationship Articles, Abuse and Survival, Women's Health, Alcoholism and much more! And it's all FREE! Come in, introduce yourself and find the NEW YOU!
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(You are welcome to add a link to our website from yours. Please use the information above.)
..Donation`s are appreciated..
Yes.. there is now a donation button in several spots around the selfesteem forum and the website.
This was not my actually came from a few of the self-esteem members as they understand the amount of time and monies that it takes to bring all of the information and self-esteem support to these pages for all of you.
The donation is set at its minimum of $1.00.
So feel free to support so that we can continue to support you!
Thank you so much in advance!