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Who is Womens Self-esteem.com?




Hello my name is Dorothy Lafrinere and I am Womensselfesteem.com!

I thought you might like to know a bit about me...so here I go.......!

I was born and raised in Canada where I raised 4 great children and ran a business for 23 years.. My experiences throughout my life have built my character and made me an independent women.

My own issues and life experiences regarding low self-esteem have directed me towards creating a wonderful website for all the women in the world.


Through my website, I offer information in hope to help women identify and get through their issues. Through my self-help forum, I provide support, not only to women in my personal life but also to women whom are members of womensselfesteem.com itself.

My goal is to simply put a smile on your face, add a little sunshine to your day, and help you find the strength to deal with your fears and tackle your weaknesses, but most importantly to help you find the goodness that is inside of you, so that you can live a peaceful, more confident and happy life.

I have had many questions regarding why the website is totally free. Well, it isn't actually really free. The only payment that I ask for from members and any women that frequent my site is that they feel better about themselves, and that they use some of that gained strength to help other women who also suffer from self esteem issues that women are faced with in daily life. 

I call it, "Pay it Forward".



~Books I have read, written reviews on & recommend~


Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog





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Your self-esteem and confidence are important!




I would love to hear form you, please feel free to email me here:




 ~Please do...take a few minutes and check out some of my other articles involving...

relationships, abuse & self-esteem~








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..Donation`s are appreciated..

Yes.. there is now a donation button in several spots around the selfesteem forum and the website.

This was not my idea...it actually came from a few of the self-esteem members as they understand the amount of time and monies that it takes to bring all of the information and self-esteem support to these pages for all of you.

The donation is set at its minimum of $1.00.
So ...do feel free to support womensselfesteem.com so that we can continue to support you!
Thank you so much in advance!

$1.00 is all it takes!




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