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Good stress relieving stretches!
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18 posts
Oct 08, 2005
6:31 AM
We all get sore necks, so try this!!

Relieving stress and neck pain:

Bring your chin to chest and then your ear to your sternum. Hold this for a few seconds at a time. Repeat the series on the other side. Do this a few times a day, or whenever you think about it. This neck miscle never gets enough proper stretching.
Also try stretching the muscles of the upper back and neck. Gently roll your head from shoulder to shoulder in the front, but do not make a complete circle to the back.
(Site Administrator)
Mary Jane
3 posts
Oct 08, 2005
7:01 PM
Why shouldn't you go all the way around? Will it break stuff???
I love donkeys and crap salads!
20 posts
Oct 12, 2005
3:13 AM
Huggzzzzzz MJ

The idea of this stretch is to stretch the muscles, not pull them the wrong way. If you rotate your neck and stretch in an all around motion, you could very easily pull the muscle the wrong way. That would put you in a lot of pain. Your muscles can only be stretched in certain directions. That is why it is important to follow complete instructions in any stretching that you do.

So stretch away girl. It is a very good thing for ones body!
(Site Administrator)
9 posts
Mar 09, 2006
10:38 PM
I never thought stretching have rules.. until I read this..thanks for sharing Dorothy..
48 posts
Aug 04, 2006
4:41 PM
Hey Karen...thank you for your suggestion and you are absolutely correct..Yoga is definitely a very good form of relation and stress relief. There is even a new hybrid now called," Yogilates" It is a combination of Pilates and Yoga if you have not guessed that already.
Check out this article that I have posted on my,"Women`s Health" section:



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