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Healthy Living Forum > How much longer does one suffer?
How much longer does one suffer?
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Nov 22, 2005
12:07 PM
I have known for some time that I have this compulsive binge overeater problem..to what degree does one have to hurt before the problem becomes a reality and not just a "ok, some day I will get to it?" I have been in considerable physical and emotional pain over this for at least a year, maybe more, but truly AWARE for at least a year. Today I again went to the doctor because the heartburn medication is NOT working..I tried to use over the counter stuff cuz it's cheaper..it worked for awhile, then I got so bad that I was using it about every 6 hours instead of once daily..then I had to supplement between those hours w rolaids, mylanta, and baking soda water..I can't get a decent night's sleep due to the acidity that burns when I lay down..the doctor gave me some more information on the acid reflux disease and hilighted the overeating crap, abstain from chocolate, nuts, heavy meals, no eating 2-3 hours before bedtime, etc..AAGH where does one start..I know I have to get serious, but..I have been able to give up caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine, I CANNOT get a mindset for the eating thing..One bite and I rollercoater through every food group known to man and every junk food item from here to everything land..this is driving me insane..I know that the time has come..before the doctor tells me that I have to have surgery to get rid of the acidity overflow..is it enough?

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