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How To Beat The Soda Pop Addiction
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Oct 10, 2008
12:09 PM
That is great advice. That's what I did when I quit soda. I went from 2-4 liters per day (an 8 year long habit) to none. I went for 3 months with no soda. Now I have the occasional sugar free redbull, but mostly I drink iced tea now. I don't even like the taste of soda after almost a year with out. My doctor told me I had to stop, so I did. It really never occurred to me what I was doing to myself. I lost a bunch of weight and now I'm much more stable and not freaking out emotionally when I am on an up or down from sugar/caffeinne.

They are actually including my story in a Fitness magazine in Jan. I'll be sure to post when it comes out.


Last Edited by Dorothy on Nov 11, 2022 8:01 AM

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