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Healthy Living Forum > Spinach Smoothie
Spinach Smoothie
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95 posts
Nov 11, 2022
7:46 AM

1 c. coconut water
1 medium ripe banana
2 c. baby spinach
1 c. each frozen mango and pineapple

Step 1
In a blender, add ingredients in the order they are listed. Purée ingredients until smooth.

What are the five steps to making a smoothie?

For the smoothest results, add items to the blender in this order so they’ll be well incorporated:

1. Liquid (milk, juice, water, yogurt)

2. Soft fruits + veggies

3. Leafy greens

4. Dry ingredients (seeds, proteins powder)

5. Ice + other frozen ingredients


(Site Administrator)

Last Edited by Dorothy on Nov 11, 2022 7:47 AM

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